New Generation

On the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Global Trade Point Network, we are working to launch a battery of new and renewed tools.

We are operators of the GLOBAL VERIFICATION CENTER based in Geneva, Switzerland.

China Connection Initiative

The World Trade Point Federation has built over 25 years of cooperation with China a powerful ecosystem of relationships and tools that allows it to successfully connect with the Chinese business community


They were established in 1994 by the Municipal Governments of Beijing and Shanghai with the support of the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development. They are founding partners of the WTPF and have been part of the Steering Committee of the Federation for 10 years. They are the focal point in our ecosystem to link it up with the business community in Beijing and Shanghai.


It was established in 2014 through a collaboration agreement between the WTPF and the Municipal Trade Commission of the City of Beijing. Its purpose is to support foreign companies to promote their products and do business with China. The activities of the Center revolve around China’s major trade fairs including CIFTIS, CANTON FAIR and CIIE. As an institutional partner of these fairs, WPTF organizes the participation of companies, under favorable conditions linked to the Trade Points from all regions of the world.

In addition, WTPF organizes various forums and seminars to foster dialogue and knowledge-sharing among participants. In addition, at the request of any member of the Trade Point network, the center organizes business agendas, product presentations, exhibitions, both in our own facilities and outside them.

We are partners of:


WTPF together with the OICEX and the Center for the Promotion of e-Commerce of Shanghai Municipality developed a package of services that allow us to have a powerful presence in the Chinese digital environment. We will produce and translate into Chinese all the content necessary to present your company and its products. We will develop an institutional website according to the Chinese digital communication codes. We will register your company in the Chinese social networks. We will help you produce content to communicate with this market and maintain an active institutional presence in these networks. We will grant you a certified digital identity (WTPF e-trade ID) so that your company’s data and products are presented and recognize as reliable. We will register your company in the leading e-commerce portals that operate in the Chinese market.


Marco Trade News, with the support of the WTPF produces news, reports and content about the Chinese market in order to keep the international business community informed about the trends of the most dynamic market in the world. They are produced on digital media and on paper, with daily or periodic updates according to the channel.
In addition, WTPF has designated World Markets Magazine in Shanghai and the Chinese National Magazine of Fairs and Congress, as a communication partners.

Assistance & Partnering

Assistance & Partnering

WTPF shares the knowledge gained in the field of various funding programs, such as UNDP, IBRD, IDA, EU, BEI, by offering assistance in the search of programs and initiatives aimed at financing innovative ideas and projects in multiple sectors. The Federation assists SMEs, governments, entities or civil society organizations, either in private-private or private-public partnerships, in all phases of the preparation and management of a project, identification of the most suitable funding program, up to operational planning and project management in case of successful application. In relevant cases, WTPF become an active Party, entering in the project partnerships. As global consultant, using its extensive thematic expertise, the Federation assists beneficiaries to successful project development with strategic advice, and delivering content, i.e. analyses, methodologies, case studies, policy recommendations, etc.

Trade Contacts

Trade Contacts

With its global presence, WTPF is able to provide a large number of contacts for your business, matching supply and demand, facilitate the encounter between business partners, all based on trust, quality, and reliability. The institutional site of the Federation is the main source of trade information and provides connections with other international organizations with active roles in international trade. The is a benchmark, a virtual market where you can safely find the most appropriate collaboration for your company and at the same time represents a showcase for your business.



The WTPF through its Trade Point and e-Trade Desk networks creates a trusted environment for business networking, where companies can collaborate with other companies, obtain new contacts and referrals by virtually meeting potential customers or generate referrals, find new opportunities, partnerships and expansion prospects, improve their virtual visibility, keep up with e-trade trends of the constantly evolving market, stand out from the competition by keeping up to date on technological innovations and market trends, share experiences and generate business opportunities.



WTPF has a leading position as it can leverage on the experience and knowledge accumulated thanks to the Trade Point Program, one of the pioneers in the field of e-trade and one of the first global networks with unique local access points for SMEs. Using a variety of digital and classic training and communication tools such as webinars, e-meetings, training modules, assistance and consultancy, conferences, the Federation is the knowledge partner for companies dealing with fierce international competition, facing demanding and fragmented markets and a high speed technology changes, one above all, the continuous shift towards the digital society and to an increased role of e-trade. Both virtual and physical networks of the Federation represent the access points to the knowledge source of WTPF for all companies intending to increase their competitive advantage and assure their continuous growth.

WTPF Videos

WTPF Videos

In this section you will find institutional videos of the WTPF that illustrate its past, present and future, as well as a selection of television news broadcast by different networks around the world.


José María Figueres, Former President of Costa Rica and former Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Information and Communications Technologies

Press/ TV

The WTPF participates in Beijing Day during the International Import Fair. 2018. Shanghai, China
WTPF President interviewed during the Global Forum in Mumbai, India
WTPF activities during the Trade in Services Fair. 2017. Beijing, China


Global e-commerce sales grew 13% in 2017, hitting an estimated $29 trillion, according to the latest numbers released by UNCTAD in 2019.

WTPF through its global network of Trade Points and eTrade Desks promotes and facilitates the participation of SMEs in cross border e-commerce providing a comprehensive ecosystem of tools.

According to the World Economic Forum, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is rapidly driving transformational disruption across every sector. By 2022, over 60% of global GDP will be digitized.

We work daily for companies, institutions and municipal governments to incorporate digital technology to all activities and services that have an impact on trade facilitation, business and companies development.

According to the most recent 2019 World Trade Report by WTO, services have become the most dynamic sector of world trade and it is playing a big role in the global economy. From logistics to finance to informatics to business services to entertainment, services attract two-thirds of foreign direct investment and provide almost two-thirds of jobs in developing countries.

WTPF is part of the Global Trade in Services Vision Committee from the Government of Beijing, China and International partners of the China Trade in Services Fair (CIFTIS).

The creative industries are: publishing, film, TV, radio, phonographic, mobile contents, independent audiovisual production, web contents, electronic games, and content produced for digital convergence (cross-media) are among the most dynamic sectors in international trade.

WTPF works closely with international organizations in Geneva to promote creative industries development and trade as new sources for innovation and competitiveness through creativity, individual talent and skill.

With the adoption of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development in 2015, culture is recognised globally as an enabler and contributor to sustainable development.

In the world of digitisation, dematerialisation has impacted on some cultural goods. Several cultural goods like music, films and books are now accessible electronically and are traded much less as physical commodities.

WTPF and its members are committed to support small art companies to take advantage of this new world of opportunities.

According to the World Economic Forum, the value of illicit trade is close to $3 trillion, equal to 10% of world trade and between 8% and 15% of global GDP. These sectors include agri-foods, alcohol, fisheries, forestry, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, precious metals and gemstones, pesticides, tobacco, and wildlife, as well as trafficking in persons and counterfeiting and piracy. In cooperation with the Swiss OISTE Foundation, we organize workshops and international forums with strategic partners, national and international, to generate awareness on the effects of illicit trade and how technology can use of blockchain’s decentralised ledger and new technologies to combat this.

e-trade News

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