Category: E-trade desk 
Status: Operational 

Municipality of San Pedro del Pinatar

  Murcia, Spain

About Us

The Local Development Agency is a Municipal Service where entrepreneurs can find support for their projects at whatever stage they are at. Every year more than 50 projects are tutored according to the demands of their promoters, from the validation of the idea to the first steps to take, the search for subsidies, financing, and everything related to the start-up of their business project.


E-trade ID
Access to the e-Trade ID introduced to bring a higher level of security to all parties involved in a transaction. A digital identity bringing a unique credential that can be used to access to WTPF services.

Electronic Trade Opportunities (ETO Trust)

Provides access to the ETO Trust system of WTPF, which allows certified SMEs to post and receive selling and buying leads of products and services of the member companies of the Trade Points and e-Trade Desks. Coming soon…


Address: Plaza Luis Molina, 1, 30740 San Pedro del Pinatar, Murcia, Spain

Phone number: +34 968 18 06 00

Working Language: Spanish


Carlos A. Moreno Martínez

This e-trade desk is coordinated by:
Development Institute of Murcia – INFO