Category: E-trade desk
Status: Operational
Municipality of San Javier
Murcia, Spain
About Us
The Local Development Agency is at the disposal of all those who decide to embark on the adventure of setting up their own business, providing advice on legal procedures and obligations. Access to grants and subsidies. Help in drawing up a business plan and viability plan. Management advice, mainly in the following areas: Marketing and commercial management, financial management, human resources. Follow-up after the start-up of the business.
E-trade ID
Access to the e-Trade ID introduced to bring a higher level of security to all parties involved in a transaction. A digital identity bringing a unique credential that can be used to access to WTPF services.
Electronic Trade Opportunities (ETO Trust)
Provides access to the ETO Trust system of WTPF, which allows certified SMEs to post and receive selling and buying leads of products and services of the member companies of the Trade Points and e-Trade Desks. Coming soon…
Address: Plaza de España, 3. 30730. San Javier, Murcia, Spain
Phone number: +34 968 57 37 00
Working Language: Spanish
Juan de Dios González Manzano
This e-trade desk is coordinated by:
Development Institute of Murcia – INFO