Category: E-trade desk
Status: Operational
Municipality of Alcantarilla
Murcia, Spain
About Us
It is a priority of this Municipality to make available to the citizens and the business community, through the Local Development Agency, a range of services and infrastructure to stimulate economic activity, the implementation of active employment policies and the creation of quality employment
E-trade ID
Access to the e-Trade ID introduced to bring a higher level of security to all parties involved in a transaction. A digital identity bringing a unique credential that can be used to access to WTPF services.
Electronic Trade Opportunities (ETO Trust)
Provides access to the ETO Trust system of WTPF, which allows certified SMEs to post and receive selling and buying leads of products and services of the member companies of the Trade Points and e-Trade Desks. Coming soon…
Address: Plaza San Pedro, 1, 30820 Alcantarilla, Murcia, Spain
Phone number: +34 968 89 85 22
Working Language: Spanish
Luis Linares Llabrés
Antonio Tortosa Abellán
This e-trade desk is coordinated by:
Development Institute of Murcia – INFO